
Regi’s 25th consecutive Investor Relations-study has been completed. Presented below are the winners and top-three for Best Company, Best IR and Best ESG in each Nordic country.

IRNM is the largest investor relations study for listed companies in the Nordics. In total, 200 companies have been evaluated in the 25th edition of the study. The rankings are based on over 800 reviews from financial analysts in the Nordics, UK, EU and the US. Sell-side analysts have rated companies they actively follow, based on objective opinions and personal experience. The survey includes 18 criterias, from the annual and quarterly reports to the perception of the relations management and competence of the IRO-team.

The highest ranked company in the category Best Company is the Danish insurance company Tryg. The company has been highest ranked for five years in a row in Denmark. When it comes to excellent performance within Investor Relations, in the category Best IR, Trygs IRO Gianandrea Roberti holds the best overall score in the Nordics.

A new addition to this year’s study is the category Best ESG. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and is a measurement of sustainability in companies. The highest ranked within ESG in the Nordics is the Swedish company Kinnevik.


Best Company

  1. Thule Group
  2. Swedish Match
  3. Gränges

Best IR

  1. Swedish Match, Emmett Harrison
  2. Gränges, Oskar Hellström
  3. Thule Group, Fredrik Erlandsson

Best ESG

  1. Kinnevik
  2. Gränges
  3. SSAB


Best Company

  1. Neste
  2. Valmet
  3. Kemira

Best IR

  1. Neste, Juha-Pekka Kekäläinen
  2. Orion, Tuukka Hirvonen
  3. Kesko, Hanna Jaakola

Best ESG

  1. Valmet
  2. Neste
  3. Cargotec


Best Company

  1. Yara International
  2. Tomra
  3. Gjensidige Forsikring

Best IR

  1. Tomra, Georgiana Radulescu
  2. Yara International, Anika Jovik
  3. DNB, Rune Helland

Best ESG

  1. Tomra
  2. Yara International
  3. DNB


Best Company

  1. Tryg
  2. Topdanmark
  3. Nordea Bank

Best IR

  1. Tryg, Gianandrea Roberti
  2. Topdanmark, Robin Hjelgaard Løfgren
  3. Novo Nordisk, Daniel Bohsen

Best ESG

  1. A.P. Møller – Mærsk
  2. FLSmidth & Co.
  3. Chr. Hansen


Robert Skölfman
+46 70 770 5385

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